Articles About Marketing
Inside of Every Problem Lies an Opportunity
How things that might appear to be problems, can actually be the best way to set yourself apart from your competition. This blog post is ...
What is Inbound Marketing?
There’s a new kid in town, and it’s name is Inbound Marketing. If you’ve never heard the term, you definitely need to read this article. ...
Choose the Right Facebook Profile for Your Business
Confused about what kind of Facebook profile to set up for your business? This quick guide will help you choose the right direction based on ...
One Simple Secret to Increase Mobile Readership by 100% on LinkedIn Groups
I’ve been frequenting a number of Inbound Marketing groups on LinkedIn, such as Inbound Marketers, Digital Marketing, and the Inbound Marketing University Alumni. These are ...
Does Pay-Per-Click Count as Inbound Marketing?
There’s a little bit of a debate on whether Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising mediums, such as Google AdWords, count as Inbound Marketing. According to HubSpot (who ...
Why Search Engine Optimization is Like Courting a Lover
I was recently emailing back and forth with a client who was trying to get their website to rank higher in Google and ended up ...
How to Find Money for Online Marketing
Money is tight in small and growing businesses. Owners are constantly shifting budget priority from one area to another and carefully balancing their spending against ...
How to Use Google to Find the Perfect Headline For Your Print Ads
Surely you’ve searched Google and noticed the sponsored links that appear in the yellow area above the search results: These are called Google AdWords. AdWords ...
Building Brands in the Digital Age
The marketing mix of business is constantly evolving; big businesses are stepping away from full page print spreads and turning to the simplicity of something ...
Can DrawSomething Teach You To Be a Better Designer?
If you’ve owned your mobile phone for more than a day or two, you’re probably familiar with the app DrawSomething. It’s basically a digital version ...
Could Your Facebook Contest Shut Down Your Business Page?
A lot of clients have been asking about Facebook contests – what should they do and how should they do it? Really wanting to present ...
8 Simple Steps to Effective Email Marketing
When it comes to email marketing, the warning my buddy’s mom would shout out to us when we were kids sprinting out the door for ...