Articles About SEO

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Search Engine Optimization: Don’t Get Left Out of Google Search

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical part of digital marketing that focuses on enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and ...

Backlinks Back, Alright!

If there’s one thing that Nine10 believes in, it’s making Marketing accessible to everyone. Industry Jargon is a really great way to gatekeep people from ...
Changes to GMB Search Considerations

Google’s Local Search Changes & What It Means for Your Business

In the ever-changing landscape of search and digital marketing, it is crucial to stay up to date on any significant changes to search algorithms. Still, ...
How to rename multiple files at one time

Quick Plays: How to Rename Multiple Files at One Time

Hi everyone Nicole here with this week’s Quick Play. This week I wanted to talk to you about search engine optimization and that Google does ...
blogging is a long-term strategy like building empires

5 Reasons Your Professional Services Firm Needs to Blog

Professional services is an industry that stands to benefit the most from blogging. This article gives you five solid reasons why.
Flat line design website banner of web search

Simplifying Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of pleasing Google (and other search engines) with website content and features so that Google shows your website ...
seo the way indicated by compass

Why Doesn’t My New Website Show Up in Search?

So. You just launched your shiny new website, and went over to Google to find it. You type in some keywords, scroll through the first ...
Blog Spamming is Bad for SEO

Trying to Be First in Google? Don’t Spam Blogs.

If you’re trying to get your website to the top of Google here in Grande Prairie, you need to be cautious about how you do ...
Why SEO is Like Courting a Lover

Why Search Engine Optimization is Like Courting a Lover

I was recently emailing back and forth with a client who was trying to get their website to rank higher in Google and ended up ...