How to be an Awesome Client and Get the Results You Want

Be an Awesome Client and Get The Results You Want websites

Designers do a lot to make their clients happy, but there are some things that clients can do to make the design process smoother for both parties. Doing some simple things during the design process can result in having efficient productivity on your projects and can also result in having a more successful impact on your business or brand. So what can you do?

Give Feedback We Can Work With

Client: I don’t like it.
Designer: What don’t you like?
Client: I don’t know.
Designer: Can you be more specific?
Client: “Make it pop”.

This is a great example of the type of feedback that designers have trouble working with. If the client doesn’t know, then the designer won’t know what to fix. Also, “Make it pop” is super vague. Don’t be afraid to tell the designer how you feel about the work. You won’t hurt our feelings.

Keep an Open Mind

Client: Our flower shop has always used the colour black in our advertisements.
Designer: Something more colourful and vibrant might better suit your business.
Client: We really like black.

Don’t be afraid to consider new concepts and suggestions from the designer. It might not be what you initially had in mind, but maybe a creative new approach could benefit your business. It’s not always about what you like, it’s about what works.

Trust Your Designer 

Client: I don’t like the fonts. Can we use Helvetica?
Sure, I have changed the fonts to Helvetica.
Client: Really? It doesn’t look different. Can we go back to the first one?

We want direction and feedback, but too much direction (like choosing fonts, colour, and the layout) can be counterproductive. Designers have a lot of experience creating things, so don’t be afraid to let them take the lead on some parts of the project.

Be Involved in the Process

Designer: What message would you like to communicate?
Client: You’re the expert, I’m sure you’ll think of something creative.

It’s also possible to be not involved enough. Take some time to think about some useful direction to provide or you may be shocked to see the end result and how the designer interpreted your project. You could even tell us what you don’t like if you’re not really sure where to start.

You’re on Your Way to Being More Awesome!

All of these things can help designers with delivering the best product that they can to the client. We know it’s not always possible to achieve all of things from everyone, but we hope it helps you understand a little more about the process and what we would love to see from a client. If you are already doing some of these things, keep being awesome!

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