Articles Tagged #copywriting


Know Thy Audience and Respect Them

If you’ve owned a business for literally any amount of time, you know one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is, ...
Grammar Tips for Content Writing

Grammar: Write English Good, Okay?

Oh, dear. This is probably giving you bad high school flashbacks, isn’t it? Red pen marks scrawled across your paper. A big message printed in ...

Copyediting vs. Copywriting

If you’ve ever been in the position of finding content for your website, you may have come across these terms: copywriting and copyediting. But like ...
Real Estate Advertising on Google AdWords in Grande Prairie

How to Use Google to Find the Perfect Headline For Your Print Ads

Surely you’ve searched Google and noticed the sponsored links that appear in the yellow area above the search results: These are called Google AdWords. AdWords ...
rubber band ball guilty of obfuscation

Are you guilty of obfuscation?

obfuscate: to make obscure or unclear; to muddle; confuse; bewilder Potential consumers are busy and sophisticated. They are surrounded every day with thousands of messages ...
on air microphone

If Your Brand Could Talk, What Would it Sound Like?

In our last post we talked in-depth about the importance of the visual elements of your brand. We hope that you took away some good ...