Three nine10 Branding Clients Nominated for Best New Business Award, One Wins

walk run and more logo

Good to Grow, VO2MAX, and Walk Run & More  were nominated for the title of 2010 Best New Business at the Small Business Week Awards Gala hosted by the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce. VO2MAX, a one-on-one fitness training facility, had the honor of taking home the coveted award. We have worked closely with each of these businesses and it’s no surprise they were nominated. The passion, dedication and innovation displayed by each of the owners in starting and running their business is second to none.

Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners at the gala last night. Your deserve to be recognized for your hard work and dedication!

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We're a passionate, dedicated team of life-long learners on a mission to help businesses become more self-sufficient with their marketing.
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