Your Logo – What’s it worth?

your logo whats it worth

It takes work to keep a foothold above your competitors. You might have a great product, but success truly comes with leaving your customers with a good impression.

Reviewing your brand and making sure it keeps its appeal with your target audience is a sure way to help you accomplish this. While your logo is only one part of your overall brand, it is a key element, and one that packs a lot more punch than people often realize.

The following are a few things to keep in mind whether you are having a new logo created, or wondering if your logo needs to be redesigned.

  1. A picture paints a thousand words. Your logo is a visual representation of your company. Sometimes it is the only message your company gets to “pitch” to potential customers.
  2. A logo is often the first impression people get of your company, and when done properly can leave a long and lasting positive impression in people’s minds.
  3. A logo needs to differentiate you from your competitors. The image, colours and fonts you use – even the type of paper of your business card – convey meaning and should reflect your company’s unique personality and style.
  4. A logo needs longevity. Your logo should not just represent your company today, but well into the future. And by paying for a professionally designed logo up front, you save significant dollars in the long run. We’ve worked with clients that have had to redo their marketing materials because their present logo design simply wasn’t effective or wasn’t designed to work across a variety of mediums or marketing applications.
  5. Your logo should express professionalism. I may treat my niece to lunch with a burger and fries at her favourite fast food outlet, but I doubt our clients would feel valued if we took them for lunch at the same outlet—or what impression of our business we would leave them with. The same goes rule goes for your logo. A quality logo design will appeal to your target customer or client, and convey trust and credibility. A cheap, quick solution may send the wrong message about your business or could very well be found on another company’s letterhead down the road!
  6. Your logo should help enable long-term business success. A professional designer has the tools to help accomplish this. How?
    • Work with the client to understand their business and business objectives
    • Research the market and your competition
    • Evaluate what design elements best suit the “attitude” of your business
    • Apply knowledge of how design elements work together to create a particular message
    • Ensure the logo will reproduce well in a variety of mediums, ranging from print, web, embroidery and even faxes.

Combine a professionally designed logo with a great product, a positive customer experience, and value for your customer’s dollar and you’ve got the recipe for an excellent brand that shows you mean business!

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