Why Am I So Excited to Join the nine10 Team?

Nicole McDonald - Education and Marketing Manager

Do you know those moments in life where someone is explaining to you their vision and plan… and you find yourself becoming just as passionate as they are about it? In those moments it usually means the vision aligns with your passion, beliefs, and philosophy. I live for those moments.

When Ryan explained to me the way nine10 was sharing their knowledge with small businesses to help them… well… help themselves in the world of digital media, I knew I was the perfect fit for the nine10 team. Everything that nine10 built into their Digital Content Marketing Training aligned perfectly with my passion for digital media, technology, and teaching.

But it was more than that. For 15 years, I too owned a small business, so I understand the balance between the need to promote your business and the need to keep overhead low whenever possible. I was pleased to see that this course provides owners or managers with the knowledge they need to make the best decisions for their business.

Owners or managers who attend the course will of course learn about digital media  marketing. Beyond the theory and how-to, this course enables owners and managers to easily determine if they should internally manage their digital media marketing, identify if they require additional staff to do so, or if engaging an external firm is the best option. This knowledge is invaluable for any business owner.

For all students, this course provides not just theory, which of course is essential. Each student also graduates from the course armed with a solid understanding of their brand and a toolbox full of digital marketing tools ready to implement immediately.

You can see why I was so excited! I can not wait to share my 20+ years of knowledge of digital marketing with our students, add to the course content and grow the course throughout the Peace Region, across Alberta, and beyond.

To each one of our students now and in the future I would like to say: I cannot wait to watch you add to your business’ success through the enhancement of your digital media marketing. I am here with the nine10 team ready to share what I know, brainstorm with you, and to pick up my pompoms to cheer you on as you achieve your goals.

At the end of the day the course’s success is based on your success…let’s do this!

Picture of nine10


We're a passionate, dedicated team of life-long learners on a mission to help businesses become more self-sufficient with their marketing.
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