Dawna Dillabough

About Dawna

Dawna Dillabough, Aka Graphic Designer and Print Specialist, brings 14 years of experience into our new team. She has spent her career with ImageDESIGN and we are so grateful to have her expertise with us.

Dawna’s favourite thing to do outside of work hours is jumping in her 1975 Winnebago with her partner, 2 dogs, and head out into the wilderness. A fun fact about Dawna, is her first car was a green VW Bug named Myrtle. Dawna is also a small business owner! She runs Mama Dee’s Bakery where she makes all natural dog treats and accessories. You can find her at her permanent booth at the Grande Prairie Farmers Market Every weekend!

She brings extensive creativity and skill to the team and client’s projects.

Fun Facts

Most Used Slackmoji
Favourite Colour
Favourite Show

There are three responses to a piece of design - yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.

Blog Articles By Dawna